
互联网站: www.hitfar.com
电话号码: 604-873-8355
其它电话: 1-800-661-1186
传真号码: 604-873-8364
详细地址: 109 - 2999 Underhill Avenue, Burnaby, BC, CANADA
邮政编码: V5A 3C2
城市: 本拿比
省区: 不列颠哥伦比亚省
网上地图: 查看大图
Sausages and Other Prepared Meats
Prepared Feeds, Nec
Manufactured Ice
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Web Directory No.LK-165432-8959
Hitfar is a Canadian distributor of cellphone, smartphone, & wireless accessories based in Vancouver BC. The Hitfar warehouse carries everything you need to support wireless communications, except the phone itself. Our specialty is full-service, coast-to-coast, direct-to-store distribution. We support our channels with educational resources and a strong customer service program.

Currently, we service the following wireless channels:

Big box retailers
Independent retailers
General merchandise retail channels

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