British Columbia Wildlife Federation

电话号码: 604-291-9990
其它电话: 1-888-881-2293
传真号码: 604-682-6962
详细地址: 101-3060 Norland Ave, Burnaby, BC, Canada
邮政编码: V5B 3A6
城市: 本拿比
省区: 不列颠哥伦比亚省
网上地图: 查看大图
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The BCWF is a province-wide voluntary conservation organization of hunters, anglers and recreational shooters, representing all British Columbians whose aims are to protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

The B.C. Wildlife Federation was incorporated under the B.C. Societies Act in 1951 and it became a registered charity in 1969. The Federation is British Columbia's largest and oldest conservation organization.

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