Inner City Angels

电话号码: 416-598-0242
其它电话: 416-598-9338
传真号码: 416-232-0787
详细地址: 15 Case Goods Lane, Studio 203, Toronto, ON
邮政编码: M5A 3C4
城市: 多伦多
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-11033-4849
Inner City Angels is an imaginative arts education charity that builds affordable arts and learning opportunities for inner city children guided by professional artists.

We were founded in 1969 by activist Marianne Heller and Principal Douglas Balmer of Regent Park/Duke of York Public School who were committed to breaking barriers for inner city children to experience the joy of hands on participation in the arts.

Since that time we have reached millions of children and partnered with hundreds of professional artists, arts organizations, corporations, educators and volunteers to ensure the best arts education experience for the individual child.

We are inspired by the belief that the arts play an integral role in personal growth and creative potential for us all and that we all share in the responsibility of raising healthy and creative young people.

Our work is focused in Toronto’s inner city and priority neighbourhood schools.

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