Hambly & Woolley Inc.

互联网站: www.hamblywoolley.com
电话号码: 416-504-2742
传真号码: 416-504-2745
详细地址: 49 Bathurst Street, Suite 400, Toronto, ON
邮政编码: M5V 2L4
城市: 多伦多
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-14005-4577
Hambly & Woolley Inc. was founded in 1990 by illustrator Bob Hambly
and graphic designer Barb Woolley as a marriage of art and design. This continues to influence what is today a multidisciplinary design group: Creating thought-provoking work that achieves exactly what it needs to do. Lucid communication, without excess. Elegant solutions that appeal to the senses – not forgetting the senses of surprise and humour.

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