Victoria International College of Business & Technology

电话号码: 416-665-1888
传真号码: 416-665-8111
详细地址: 200 Consumers Road. Suite 401,Toronto, Ontario
邮政编码: M2J 4R4
城市: 北约克
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-59452-4241
Victoria International College of Business Technology is a post-secondary college registered under the provincial Letters Patent of the Government of Ontario and certified by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

As one of the most prestigious private college in Canada, we are offering various diploma programs, certificate programs and pre-university courses to students from all over the world. In addition, we are also engaged in some career training programs and languages training programs facilitating

people of different levels and at different ages to pursue more successful career in the future.

Victoria International College of Business and Technology's vision is to "be the best private academic college in Canada," and we are committed to helping each and every student realize their full potential. Our students' academic aspirations become joint goals for our staff and them to work towards and achieve together. From the first day that a student enters our college to graduation, we are dedicated to each student's individual success.

VIC strives to provide high academic standards of teaching and learning, and is committed to offering local and international students a universally
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