Trench Rrecordings

电话号码: 416-769-4747
详细地址: 3425 Dundas St W, Suite 204, Toronto, ON
邮政编码: M6S 2S4
城市: 约克
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-32644-6036
Trench Rrecordings is a full service boutique music recording studio located in the west end of Toronto near the Bloor West Village and the Junction. trench features 3000 sq‘ of dedicated sound proofed recording space, a large live room for great rocking drums and multiple isolation rooms, all with customizable acoustic treatments to get the sounds you're looking for. At the heart of it all is our rig. This baby has many great projects under her belt and is the workhorse of the studio. The rig is a Pro-Tools 24 Mix7 system with 32 In’s and Out's of Apoggee converters and tonnes of DSP power for all your plug-in needs.

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