Toronto General Hospital

电话号码: 416-340-3111
详细地址: 200 Elizabeth St.,Toronto, ON
邮政编码: M5G 2C4
城市: 多伦多
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-1218-3563
Toronto General Hospital (TGH) is leading the way in cardiac care, organ transplants and the treatment of complex patient needs. Home to three of UHN's major program groupings (Heart and Circulation, Transplantation and Advanced Medicine and Surgery), our highly skilled teams and dedicated volunteers are committed to UHN's vision of achieving global impact. Focusing on our core strengths and resources, we draw closer to this goal with each patient and family that comes through our doors. Visit the the Health Information section of the Web site for more information on the patient education services we provide.

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