Five Hills Health Region

电话号码: 306-694-0296
其它电话: 1-888-425-1111
传真号码: 306-694-0282
详细地址: 455 Fairford St E, Moose Jaw, SK, Canada
邮政编码: S6H 1H3
城市: Moose Jaw
省区: 萨斯喀彻温省
网上地图: 查看大图
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals
Web Directory No.LK-454302-9825
Five Hills Health Region is located in south-central Saskatchewan and serves a population of approximately 54,000 people in an area that extends from Lake Diefenbaker to the United States border.

The Region is responsible for acute care (hospital), long term care, home care, mental health and addictions services, public health, ambulatory services and primary health care.

Regional services administration support is highly centralized in Moose Jaw. With over 1,200 full time equivalent employees, the region has efficiently organized services for finance, information technology, payroll, staff development, occupational health and safety, quality of care and risk management, privacy and communications, nutrition and food services, laundry, housekeeping, biomedical engineering, maintenance, capital planning, security, disaster planning, materials management,, human resources, labour relations, recruitment and selection, as well as related administrative support.

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