
互联网站: www.honeymoonbridal.com
电话号码: 905-882-1931
其它电话: 905-882-1932
传真号码: 905-882-1930
详细地址: 245 West Beaver Creek Rd., Unit 5A, Richmond Hill,ON
邮政编码: L4B 1L1
城市: 列治文山
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-819-998

Honey Moon Bridal Gallery Inc was founded in 1995. We offer one-stop shopping of your wedding needs, from portrait taking and album design, to garment rental and wedding day shooting. We have more than 2,000 name branded dresses and 10,000 square feet of physical studio settings. At Honey Moon Bridal Gallery, we followup every detail for our customers till the end of wedding day.

You will find that the professionalism that Honey Moon Bridal Gallery is to offer to be one of the unique characteristics that has made it to be one of the most popular galleries in Canada. A lot of our customers have found their experience to be both enjoyable and memorable.

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