The Venture Group

电话号码: 416-499-2598
其它电话: 416-499-4500
传真号码: 416-499-2793
详细地址: 1510 Birchmount Road, Suite 204, Toronto, Ontario
邮政编码: M1P 2G6
城市: 士嘉堡
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-65069-3006
It has been statistically proven that there is a critical shortage of skilled workers to fill the ever-increasing needs of Canadian business. The federal government recognized this dilemma and adopted programs to fast-track skilled immigrants through the system by eliminating their apprenticeship requirements. If they could prove experience in their trade and successfully write their trade qualification exam, they were permitted to practice their profession in Canada. (For a detailed version of this program, visit

It was clear to us that there was a strong need to provide assistance to these internationally trained, skilled workers and we were determined to meet that need by providing pre-exam courses for Industrial Millwrights and Industrial Electricians.

We enthusiastically opened our skilled training centre in 2004 and since that modest beginning, our services have expanded to include; additional pre-exam training for Plumbers and Construction Electricians, Certificate courses in CNC MasterCAM Programming, PLC Programming, Gasfitters and Refrigeration Mechanics. Professional Driver safety training and a variety of special Interest programs.
The mandate of Venture Training is to provide a professional, superior level of training, in compliance with and exceeding where possible all Ministry of Education guidelines as they pertain to curriculum, training, examination and apprenticeship standards.

Coupled with that, we are pleased to offer to the general public, free Resume Writing and Job Search seminars. These self-improvement seminars are designed to increase the students chances to obtain meaningful employment
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