The City of Langford

电话号码: 250-478-7882
传真号码: 250-385-8773
详细地址: 2nd Floor, 877 Goldstream Avenue, Langford, British Columbia, Canada
邮政编码: V9B 2X8
城市: 维多利亚
省区: 不列颠哥伦比亚省
网上地图: 查看大图
Business Services
Web Directory No.LK-177618-4382
Langford is the urban core of the West Shore, also known as the Western Communities. We are a young, growing community of over 25,000 with ambition and a modern, West Coast style. With all that Langford has to offer residents, there is no better place in which to live the lifestyle of your choosing than the City of Langford.

Location and Area

The City of Langford is a bustling community nestled in the foothills of Mount Finlayson.

Langford is one of several West Shore municipalities and borders the District of Metchosin, the City of Colwood, the Town of View Royal, the District of Highlands, and the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area of the Capital Regional District (CRD). We are the commercial centre of the West Shore and feature many of the amenities that neighbouring municipal residents seek.

To become West Shore's business heart Langford has attracted large retail and wholesale stores, light industrial companies, and dozens of small businesses with our streamlined re-zoning process and ever-growing consumer market.

Langford's population is flourishing: with population growth at 19.2% between 2001 and 2006 - mostly from in-migration from other Island communities - Langford is the fastest growing municipality in the CRD.

Business and population growth has allowed our progressive Mayor and Council to invest in community development. Beautifying our city streets and creating more recreation options for our residents, indoor and outdoor, are just a few of the City's public projects made possible by our increased tax base.

Located on the southern end of Vancouver Island, Langford enjoys warm, dry summers, and mild, wet winters with a frost-free season of approximately 202 days. More information about our weather can be found at the Environment Canada website. Langford's spectacular views of West Shore and Victoria, the Juan de Fuca Strait, and Olympic Mountains are visible all year long.

The City of Langford may be only 41.46 square kilometres but contains three lakes (Florence, Glen, and Langford), the gorgeous Goldstream Provincial Park, and large portions of Mill Hill, Mount Wells, and Thetis Lake Regional Parks. Numerous urban parks and fairgrounds dot our cityscape and play host to festivals large and small, from our Summer Festival to the wildly popular Luxton Pro Rodeo.
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