img Média

电话号码: 1-855-609-1113
详细地址: Montréal, Quebec, Canada
城市: Montréal
省区: 魁北克省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-71043-5267
Internet marketing specialists. SEM, PPC, AdWords Management, Bing Ads, natural referencing (SEO),

Google Premier Partner. Expert advice. Excellent results.
Our mission: Help our clients succeed by bringing them better online visibility and maximizing concrete results.

Our vision: Constantly innovating in our strategies so our clients can benefit from our expertise.

Google partner since the program launched ten years ago, we have had the Premier certification for more than six years now. Premier Partners are top performers that meet the most exclusive status and the highest Certification at Google.

Our experts successfully manage advertising budgets exceeding $12 million annually. We invest more than $100,000 per year on the most powerful optimization softwares. We help our clients understand how to achieve their goals, use the most effective digital marketing strategies and measure their results.

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